This Old School Runescape bot has the ability to perform a rotation of in-game tasks, transitioning between tasks with ease to create a well-rounded account. While it doesn't quite fit the mold set by the project requirements, it certainly contained amply difficult tasks and gave us an inside look at a game that is still popular today. The makers of Runescape now use complex systems to detect and remove bots in the game. Long-term detection avoidance can be very difficult and to do so is an impressive feat.
The artifact must utilize a modern graphics library, game engine, or animation software.
The artifact should be interactive and capable of being manipulated by the user.
The artifact must run on a modern computing platform.
The artifact's source code must be stored in an online repository.
There must be sufficient documentation to build, deploy, and use the artifcat.
There must be a website and video demo to display your artifact to the world.
Despite the very well-defined project requirements, we managed to complete only 67% of them! But don't worry, Bui knew this would happen from the beginning when we presented our project idea and he gave us his blessing anyway :)
Powerbot is a popular scripting client for RuneScape. Through its API, it gives third-party developers a great amount of flexibility and autonomy to make and run their own custom scripts in game.
Learn more about Powerbot here!
Most of the work for the project was done together as a pair. As we could only get Eclipse to install and successfully run the bot scripts on Dan's computer, he did most of the development while Cameron watched excitedly over his shoulder, chiming in now and again with pertinent information about the Powerbot API, a typo Dan had just made, or a quick joke to keep the long hours of work lighthearted and fun. Cameron did throw together this webpage though, so he really hopes you like it.